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Adventskalender – Türchen #13

13. December von Thomas | Einsortiert unter Adventskalender 2008.

Drunken Santa

Bisher habe ich keinen Weihnachts- oder Christkindl’s Markt ausfindig machen können. Dafür gibt es aber andere lustige Traditionen. Z.B. den alljährlichen Santa Anarchy March. Zu diesem Spektakel werden heute 1000 Menschen erwartet, die alle als Santa Claus verkleidet unter dem Motto: “Scores of drunk Santas rampage the streets of San Francisco” feiern. Da es eine so große Gruppe ist, gibt es drei Routen durdch die Stadt. An Bars und Ampelkreuzungen müssen kleine Aufgaben erfüllt werden und an insgesamt drei Orten treffen die Gruppen aufeinander und feiern und protestieren (“Santa wants more Milk and Cookies!”) gemeinsam!

Auf der Website gibt es eine FAQ, die witzigsten Fragen und Antworten hier:

Q: What should I wear to Santacon?
Santa looks like Santa. HOLIDAY APPAREL IS MANDATORY. A Santa hat is NOT ENOUGH. Get a Santa suit. Buy a Santa suit. Make a Santa suit. Steal a Santa suit.

Q: I’m not much of a drinker; can I still have fun at Santacon?
A: Santa not only knows when you’ve been bad or good, he even notices that you’re getting old and your liver ain’t it used to be. So this year’s Santacon features more out-of-bar merriment than ever before – several sites on the route focus on playful antics and interactive events. If you’re drunk, you’ll totally dig it. If you’re sober as a judge, you’ll have *almost* as much fun.

Q: What are you protesting?
A: Shitty holiday parties. (note: WE ARE NOT PROTESTERS!! We’d need a permit for that – and something serious to complain about….) The official answer to this is ‘no’, and we’re sticking to it. Farcical social commentary is welcome, though…bring signs that are take-offs on ‘No on 8’, Union affiliation signs (Santa wants more milk and cookies!), noisemakers to add to the merriment, etc. We encourage you to accent your red & white suit with accessories that encourage onlookers to interact with us.

Q: Who’s in Charge?
A: Santa is in charge. Memorize that phrase, and repeat it if anyone in authority asks you who the boss is. There will be a test.

Have your own special twisted fun, but DON’T FUCK IT UP FOR THE REST OF US. Our Santas do not destroy property, steal merchandise, or do harm to others. The authorities and local businesses usually take Santa’s antics in the loving holiday spirit Santa intends, so be nice to them.

Twisting the holiday paradigm until it screams for mercy is fun! Getting arrested is not.

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